Eritis Mea by Anna Ferrara

Eritis Mea by Anna Ferrara

Author:Anna Ferrara
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: supernatural, ff, lesbian romance, lesbian love, interactive, lesbian horror, choose your own adventure, exchristian, multiple endings, interactive horror
Publisher: Anna Ferrara


Chapter 21

A scream wakes Vlada. She sits up on the bed with her eyes wide open, heart thumping violently, leaving her breathless.

Where had that scream come from? Searching the room that is pitch black and devoid of anyone but herself, she realises it must have come from her and her alone.

She had been screaming. Because of that bad dream she had only just forced herself to wake from.


Around her, she can hear the sound of wind gushing through the air-conditioning vent overhead, but otherwise everything else in her immediate environment is silent.

She hears the screaming again, but now only in memory, a remnant of the dream she’d only just come out of.

It had been her trigger screaming. And that hoard of Thai men running towards her with long bush knives in their hands were screaming too. All of them screaming loud and fearful screams that sounded more similar than they were different.

And then there was that creepy-looking elderly woman who had been watching her trigger and the men with a snarl and an arm protectively placed over a smiling young girl who bore an eerie resemblance to a boy she once knew as ‘John’.

Her trigger was outnumbered and defenceless. Unlikely to escape the dangerous situation she was in. That was the reason Vlada forced herself to wake up—she remembers now.

How easy that is to do—the running away. All you need is to move fast and never look back. To look away and not look there.

That was more often than not the only thing she knew how to do. Unlike what Dasha often said, she wasn’t brave at all. She only pretended to be, to impress Dasha.

Wait, not that again. Stop that at once!

Vlada distracts herself by checking her hands. They are still aged and wrinkled. Looking way past their use by date, as if they’d been left forgotten in the refrigerator for way too long.

God had not made them young again. Because once again, she had failed to purify her mind and turn it into one worthy of His Grace.

She turns her eyes, hating the look of herself, and hating the weakness of her mind. Her cheeks burn—shame again—and when she hears the roar of a plane taking off somewhere close by, she cannot help but wish it would crash into her building and kill her once and for all.

“Lada,” a voice in the near distance says.

God? she thinks at first. Is that you talking at last?


No! Not that again! That voice—bold, sultry, full and sexually assured, full of sensuality—reminds her of her trigger’s. And it sounds like it is coming from behind the one window the room has, at the far corner, beyond the foot of the bed Vlada is on.

That window is closed. And ten storeys above ground.


Vlada gulps. Because she can’t see what’s outside the window from where she is but knows that that voice most certainly is her trigger’s. And that makes her wonder if that voice might only just sound like her trigger’s...



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